Top 5 Things To Have On Your Website’s Coming Soon Page

So you started your small business? Congrats!

One of the most exhilarating first steps to starting your business has got to be purchasing the domain and setting up that coming soon page. 

It basically says, “Here I am world! I’m a legit business!

But did you know that it can also leave your site visitor (and potential first fan) wondering what to do next?

Even before your full website has been started, your coming soon page could be a make or break for that first client or customer. It could leave them confused about whether they’re in the right place, what to do now that they got to your domain, and if they should come back.

Here are the top 5 things your NEED to have on your small business website’s coming soon page.

1. A call to action.

Ever go on a site and wonder, “What do I do now?” This happens to me a lot. Whether it’s just bad luck or since I’m a website designer, I just check out more sites than others, not knowing what to do is annoying.

Just like with every page on your website, the coming soon page needs to have a purpose. Do you want people to follow you on Instagram? What about filling out a contact form? It all depends on that number one goal.

After you’ve decided on that goal, make sure that the first thing the user sees when the site loads is a button, form, etc that takes them on that journey.

2. A logo that’s just the right size.

Did you notice that in number 1, I didn’t say that the first thing the user has to see is your logo? Interesting, right?

The user got to your website somehow. They either met you at a networking event, got your information from someone, or saw the link on your social media page - either way, they know where they are. The purpose for clicking was to learn more, not to see your logo.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Your logo might be the bomb-diggity but it’s not going to drive sales. So, instead of centering the logo and making it huge, reduce the size and ensure that the headline and call to action are what the user sees first.

Note: if you’re saying, “My logo gets hard to read if I make it less then 200px tall…” It’s time we chat because that logo needs to be reworked. You need a web-friendly version of it.

3. Copy that tells the user about you.

Somewhere on your website’s coming soon page, you’ll have to talk about yourself, your business, and what differentiates you. In my opinion, this is the perfect chance to talk about your WHY and passion. Remember, you’re likely a small startup with a team of just YOU so make it a bit personal. Put a short bio and headshot of yourself. 

People love to snoop. Son chismosos and you want to feed that hunger while selling your experience. 

4. Copy that balances you and the benefits of your business.

Ok, so I just told you to talk about yourself and am now telling you to stop. Yeah, let me explain. Have you ever been on a first date where the person just talks about all of their accomplishments for hours? Where they don’t ask you a question or let you get a word in. #thankgoodnessforthewine right?

Don’t let your website be like that. The copy on your coming soon page should balance between you and what you do best to why the user should even care. 

I.E. if you’re a hairstylist, you’ll want to balance the experience section with the benefits of going to you - such as me feeling confident that my new hair-do is going to make me feel like Beyonce when I strut up to my boss to ask for a raise.

That’s much more impressive than a whole coming soon page filled with: I’m super experienced and awesome and have awards and studied at prestigious places and...

5. A lead capture.

Get your site visitor’s email! The goal is to get them to sign up so that, even if you’re not officially open for business, you can market to them and let them know when you are. Email marketing can also help build excitement with behind the scene photos and team introductions.

The best way to get people to sign up is to offer something of value. People don’t want to sign up for another email list unless there’s something in it for them. Whether it’s a discount for when you open, a free gift, a consult, or a checklist - make it something that they feel is worth it in exchange for their getting promotional emails from you.

The biggest mistake you’re making on your small business website’s coming soon page?

You’re taking too long to put it up.

Yes, I know you might still be working on the logo and colors. I also know you could be trying to write copy while trying to build the website while running a business (psst, see our courses or contact us one-on-one help) but it’s time to just put up that digital opening soon sign.

“But the brand and copy aren’t perfect yet!”

I hear you, but if you are smart, you’re already working on gaining a following and need that landing page to tell people you’re starting some awesome sh*t.

Top 5 things to have on your website coming soon page

Need help setting up your website’s coming soon page?

We offer VIP sessions (aka mini sessions) that will get it all up and running in a day. Contact us today to see where we can fit you in.

No idea where to even get started with your website - but you’re a go-getter that wants to DIY it?

Awesome! Check out our Website Empire Course. This is full of videos and tutorials that will take your website from blank slate to fully built!

Yasmine Robles

With over 12 years of design experience, my passion lies in helping you attract dream clients. How? I take what makes you fab, mix it with strategy, and add a healthy spoonful of sarcasm. My go-to when not plotting my world domination? Tacos, tequila, and Latin dancing.

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