Website Redesign Levels For Small Businesses

So you’ve been wanting a website redesign but have no idea how big of a transformation you need.

Why should this matter? Why do you need to know where your project lands? Communication and planning.

You’ll need to be able to communicate with your designer, agency, and employees as you’re redesigning your small business website. For example, your designer will need to know if they are just swapping out colors or if they need to look at data and build a new user flow.

You’ll also need to plan out the redesign of your website. Knowing how long the redesign will take is highly important for launches and when ensuring your designer has time to tackle the edits.

Here’s how we break down our different website redesign levels.

1. A lite website redesign

Did you just have a brand photoshoot done? Perfect, we can easily swap images. Got some new icons for a section of your site? We’ll get those done too. This first redesign is a simple, lite-weight version that tackles a few tasks to keep the site updated.

2. Visual redesign

This particular redesign focuses on the visuals of the site. It includes changing out the photography, icons, and other graphics. Sometimes we’ll even update the fonts and color schemes. 

A visual redesign is often done when your brand has shifted “visually.” You’re still offering the same products/services and targeting the same audience. 

Instead, you’ve simply gone from one color to another. I.E. At Robles Designs used to be mainly black, white, and gold. As of the writing of this article, we’ve shifted to mainly a deep green with gold used as a CTA color. We did a visual redesign.

3. Strategy-focused redesign

In this form of redesign, we primarily look at how a site is functioning alongside the goals set by small business owners. We’re mainly looking at whether these goals have been met and, if not, what we can do to improve them.

As a simple example, the goal of the small business website is to get people to sign up for a discovery call, BUT you have so far received no one signing up. After a thorough check on the site, we confirm that the only link to your online calendar is at the bottom of a contact page. From here we would add the link to the site in multiple locations.

4. A complete website overhaul.

A site overhaul often means we’ll be looking at your visuals, and your site structure, configuring the user journey, and strategically planning how we’ll be utilizing your site to ensure your business is turning leads into raving fans.

Sometimes, a complete overhaul will need a change in platforms. Some clients have gone from WordPress to Squarespace and vice-versa. 

A complete overhaul means you will not recognize the website. It would have been transformed, from graphics down to the user journey foundation. 

Do you still have questions about what a website redesign entails? Contact us today.

Yasmine Robles

With over 12 years of design experience, my passion lies in helping you attract dream clients. How? I take what makes you fab, mix it with strategy, and add a healthy spoonful of sarcasm. My go-to when not plotting my world domination? Tacos, tequila, and Latin dancing.

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